Deep Dive into Common React Practices: A New Developer's Guide


4 min read

React is a powerful library for building user interfaces, but it comes with its own idioms and practices that can sometimes confuse newcomers. This blog post will explore some of the most common React practices that new developers will likely encounter when working on React projects. Understanding these concepts can help smooth the learning curve and make developing with React more intuitive.

1. Conditional Rendering

One of the first things that new React developers encounter is conditional rendering. React offers several patterns for rendering components or elements based on conditions, which can be very handy for creating dynamic interfaces.

Using Ternary Operators

Ternary operators in React are used for conditionally rendering components or elements. It's a concise way to handle two-way conditions, much like an if-else statement. Here's a simple example:

const WelcomeMessage = ({ isLoggedIn }) => (
    {isLoggedIn ? <h1>Welcome back!</h1> : <h1>Please log in.</h1>}

In this example, the WelcomeMessage component displays different greetings based on whether the user is logged in.

Using Logical AND (&&) for Conditional Rendering

When you only need to render something based on a single condition and don't have an else condition to handle, you can use the logical && operator. This is particularly useful for rendering components only when a certain condition is true:

const UserProfile = ({ user }) => (
    {user && (
        <p>Username: {}</p>
        <p>Email: {}</p>

Here, the user profile information is only rendered if the user object exists.

2. ES6 Object Shorthand

Another common pattern new developers will encounter in React projects involves creating objects using ES6 shorthand syntax. This feature of JavaScript ES6 makes it easier to handle objects when the property names and the variable names storing the property values are the same.

Example of Object Shorthand

const createCar = (make, model, year) => {
  return { make, model, year };

const myCar = createCar('Toyota', 'Corolla', 2021);
console.log(myCar); // { make: 'Toyota', model: 'Corolla', year: 2021 }

In this function, instead of writing { make: make, model: model, year: year }, we simply write { make, model, year }. This shorthand not only reduces redundancy but also improves code readability.

3. for List Rendering with Different Syntax Options

One of React's most common patterns for rendering lists is using the .map() method. It’s crucial to understand different syntax options for the callback function used in .map().

Rendering Lists with Explicitreturn

When rendering lists of data, you might need to use a more complex rendering logic inside your .map() callback. This often requires curly braces and an explicit return statement:

const BookList = ({ books }) => (
    { => {
      return <li key={}>{book.title} by {}</li>;

Here, each book is transformed into an <li> element, and the use of curly braces allows for the inclusion of additional logic or variables inside the .map() callback.

Implicit Return

For simpler cases where you immediately return a JSX element, you can use parentheses to return implicitly:

const BookList = ({ books }) => (
    { => (
      <li key={}>{book.title} by {}</li>

This version is cleaner and more concise, removing the need for curly braces and the return keyword. The parentheses directly after the arrow => tell JavaScript to return the enclosed JSX expression.

Understanding Key Differences

Curly Braces vs. Parentheses

The choice between curly braces with a return statement and parentheses comes down to the complexity of the operation inside the .map():

  • Use curly braces andreturn: When the mapping includes more logic like conditional statements, variable declarations, or additional processing of each item.

  • Use parentheses for implicit return: When directly returning a JSX element or a straightforward transformation of the data.

Understanding these subtleties can make your code not only more readable but also more intuitive to other developers who might work on the same codebase.


Mastering these React practices will enhance your efficiency and clarity in developing React applications. Whether it's using conditional rendering effectively, employing ES6 features to simplify your code, or choosing the right syntax for list rendering, these foundational skills are essential for any React developer. As you grow more familiar with these patterns, you'll find React a powerful tool in your web development arsenal.